of {$slidecount} ½ {$title} ATZJG.NET {$author}


MySQL 中的函数
MySQL 初步

Haifeng Xu


This slide is based on Jeffrey D. Ullman's work, which can be download from his website.

References: 刘增杰、张少军 《MySQL 5.5 从零开始学》


MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual




MySQL 提供了众多功能强大的函数. 它们包括




当有错误发生时, 数学函数将返回 NULL



绝对值函数 ABS(x)

mysql> select abs(-3);
| abs(-3) |
|       3 |



圆周率 PI(), 默认显示 6 位小数.

mysql> select pi();
| pi()     |
| 3.141593 |



平方根 SQRT(x)

mysql> select sqrt(2), sqrt(-2);
| sqrt(2)            | sqrt(-2) |
| 1.4142135623730951 |     NULL |



求余函数 MOD(x,y), 结果返回 $x$$y$ 除所得的余数.

mysql> select mod(10,3), mod(-10,3);
| mod(10,3) | mod(-10,3) |
|         1 |         -1 |

mysql> select mod(10.1,3);
| mod(10.1,3) |
|         1.1 |



取整函数 CEIL(x), CEILING(x), FLOOR(x). 其中 CEIL(x)CEILING(x) 相同.

mysql> select ceil(3.5), ceiling(3.5), floor(3.5);
| ceil(3.5) | ceiling(3.5) | floor(3.5) |
|         4 |            4 |          3 |
mysql> select ceil(-3.2), floor(-3.6);
| ceil(-3.2) | floor(-3.6) |
|         -3 |          -4 |



获取随机数 RAND()RAND(x). 这两个函数都返回 [0,1] 中的某个浮点值.

mysql> select rand(), rand(), rand();
| rand()              | rand()              | rand()              |
| 0.30437831236457297 | 0.43280036322101983 | 0.25086690974502535 |

不带参数的 RAND() 函数产生随机数, 而且每次产生的数一般都不同.

mysql> select rand(2), rand(2), rand(3);
| rand(2)            | rand(2)            | rand(3)            |
| 0.6555866465490187 | 0.6555866465490187 | 0.9057697559760601 |

带参数的 RAND(x) 函数将参数 x 作为种子, 产生随机数与 x 有关, 每次都是固定的, 不同的 x 产生不同的随机数.

mysql> select rand(2), rand(2.1), rand(3.2);
| rand(2)            | rand(2.1)          | rand(3.2)          |
| 0.6555866465490187 | 0.6555866465490187 | 0.9057697559760601 |
mysql> select rand(3.2), rand(3.5), rand(3.9), rand(4);
| rand(3.2)          | rand(3.5)           | rand(3.9)           | rand(4)             |
| 0.9057697559760601 | 0.15595286540310166 | 0.15595286540310166 | 0.15595286540310166 |





SIGN(x) \[ \text{sign}(x)=\begin{cases} +1, & \text{若}\ x>0,\\ 0, & \text{若}\ x=0,\\ -1, & \text{若}\ x<0,\\ \end{cases} \]

mysql> select sign(-3.5), sign(0), sign(pi());
| sign(-3.5) | sign(0) | sign(pi()) |
|         -1 |       0 |          1 |
mysql> select sign(1+sqrt(-1));
| sign(1+sqrt(-1)) |
|             NULL |



mysql> select pow(2,3), power(3,2), exp(1);
| pow(2,3) | power(3,2) | exp(1)            |
|        8 |          9 | 2.718281828459045 |



mysql> select log(1),log(2.71828), log10(100);
| log(1) | log(2.71828)      | log10(100) |
|      0 | 0.999999327347282 |          2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select log(-1),log(0);
| log(-1) | log(0) |
|    NULL |   NULL |
mysql> select log(exp(pi()))=pi();
| log(exp(pi()))=pi() |
|                   1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select radians(90), degrees(1), degrees(PI()/2);
| radians(90)        | degrees(1)        | degrees(PI()/2) |
| 1.5707963267948966 | 57.29577951308232 |              90 |



mysql> select sin(pi()/2), asin(1), degrees(asin(1));
| sin(pi()/2) | asin(1)            | degrees(asin(1)) |
|           1 | 1.5707963267948966 |               90 |
mysql> select cos(pi()), acos(-1), degrees(acos(-1));
| cos(pi()) | acos(-1)          | degrees(acos(-1)) |
|        -1 | 3.141592653589793 |               180 |
mysql> select tan(pi()/4), atan(1), degrees(atan(1));
| tan(pi()/4)        | atan(1)            | degrees(atan(1)) |
| 0.9999999999999999 | 0.7853981633974483 |               45 |
mysql> select cot(pi()/4), cot(pi()/2);
| cot(pi()/4)        | cot(pi()/2)           |
| 1.0000000000000002 | 6.123233995736766e-17 |
mysql> select cot(pi()), tan(pi()/2);
| cot(pi())             | tan(pi()/2)          |
| -8.165619676597685e15 | 1.633123935319537e16 |

没有 ACOT(x) 函数.


mysql> select  power(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(5))))))),2)*2;
| power(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(5))))))),2)*2 |
|                              0.9999952547970006 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


sqlite> select  power(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(cos(5))))))),2)*2;




mysql> select char_length("Hello world!");
| char_length("Hello world!") |
|                          12 |
mysql> select length("Hello world!");
| length("Hello world!") |
|                     12 |
mysql> select length("你好, 世界!");
| length("你好, 世界!")     |
|                        15 |
mysql> select char_length("你好, 世界!");
| char_length("你好, 世界!")     |
|                              7 |


mysql> select concat("hello", "world");
| concat("hello", "world") |
| helloworld               |
mysql> select concat_ws('-',"hello", "world");
| concat_ws('-',"hello", "world") |
| hello-world                     |
mysql> select concat_ws('-*-',"hello", "world");
| concat_ws('-*-',"hello", "world") |
| hello-*-world                     |
mysql> select concat_ws('-',"Hi", NULL, "John!", NULL, "I am Mike.");
| concat_ws('-',"Hi", NULL, "John!", NULL, "I am Mike.") |
| Hi-John!-I am Mike.                                    |


mysql> select insert("Hello world!", 6,1,"-");
| insert("Hello world!", 6,1,"-") |
| Hello-world!                    |
mysql> select insert("Hello world!", -1,20,"Chinese people");
| insert("Hello world!", -1,20,"Chinese people") |
| Hello world!                                   |
mysql> select insert("Hello world!", 7,5,"China");
| insert("Hello world!", 7,5,"China") |
| Hello China!                        |
mysql> select insert("Hello world!", 7,5,"Chinese people");
| insert("Hello world!", 7,5,"Chinese people") |
| Hello Chinese people!                        |
mysql> select insert("Hello world!", 7,10,"Chinese people");
| insert("Hello world!", 7,10,"Chinese people") |
| Hello Chinese people                          |
mysql> select insert("Hello world!", 7,20,"Chinese people");
| insert("Hello world!", 7,20,"Chinese people") |
| Hello Chinese people                          |
mysql> select insert("What",3,100,"question");
| insert("What",3,100,"question") |
| Whquestion                      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select insert("What",3,8,"question");
| insert("What",3,8,"question") |
| Whquestion                    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select insert("What",3,2,"question");
| insert("What",3,2,"question") |
| Whquestion                    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select insert("What",3,3,"question");
| insert("What",3,3,"question") |
| Whquestion                    |


mysql> select lower("tPxf0EZhTdM9"), lcase("tPxf0EZhTdM9");
| lower("tPxf0EZhTdM9") | lcase("tPxf0EZhTdM9") |
| tpxf0ezhtdm9          | tpxf0ezhtdm9          |
mysql> select upper("tPxf0EZhTdM9"), ucase("tPxf0EZhTdM9");
| upper("tPxf0EZhTdM9") | ucase("tPxf0EZhTdM9") |
| TPXF0EZHTDM9          | TPXF0EZHTDM9          |


mysql> select left("hello world", 5);
| left("hello world", 5) |
| hello                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select right("hello world", 5);
| right("hello world", 5) |
| world                   |


mysql> select lpad("hello", 4, '??');
| lpad("hello", 4, '??') |
| hell                   |
1 row in set (0.32 sec)

mysql> select lpad("98-10-30", 10, '19');
| lpad("98-10-30", 10, '19') |
| 1998-10-30                 |
mysql> select rpad("hello", 4, '??');
| rpad("hello", 4, '??') |
| hell                   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select rpad("hello", 10, '??');
| rpad("hello", 10, '??') |
| hello?????              |
mysql> select rpad("hello", 10, '?#');
| rpad("hello", 10, '?#') |
| hello?#?#?              |

删除空格的函数 LTRIM(s), RTRIM(s), TRIM(s)

mysql> select '(  hello world   )', concat('(',ltrim('  hello world   '),')');
| (  hello world   ) | concat('(',ltrim('  hello world   '),')') |
| (  hello world   ) | (hello world   )                          |
mysql> select '(  hello world   )', concat('(',rtrim('  hello world   '),')');
| (  hello world   ) | concat('(',rtrim('  hello world   '),')') |
| (  hello world   ) | (  hello world)                           |
mysql> select '(  hello world   )', concat('(',trim('  hello world   '),')');
| (  hello world   ) | concat('(',trim('  hello world   '),')') |
| (  hello world   ) | (hello world)                            |

删除指定字符串的函数 TRIM(s1 FROM s)

mysql> select trim('he' from 'hehe he say hello to Pathehehe');
| trim('he' from 'hehe he say hello to Pathehehe') |
|  he say hello to Pat                             |

注意, 第一个字符是空格.

mysql> select char_length(trim('he' from 'hehe he say hello to Pathehehe'));
| char_length(trim('he' from 'hehe he say hello to Pathehehe')) |
|                                                            20 |

重复生成字符串函数 REPEAT(s,n)

REPEAT(s,n), 对于字符串 s, 重复 n 次, 然后返回.

mysql> select repeat("I love China!\n",3);
| repeat("I love China!\n",3)                |
| I love China!
I love China!
I love China!
mysql> select repeat('abc',-1);
| repeat('abc',-1) |
|                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select char_length(repeat('abc',-1));
| char_length(repeat('abc',-1)) |
|                             0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select repeat('abc',-1)='';
| repeat('abc',-1)='' |
|                   1 |

空格函数 SPACE(n) 和替换函数 REPLACE(s,s1,s2)

mysql> select concat('[',space(5),']');
| concat('[',space(5),']') |
| [     ]                  |
mysql> select space(5)=repeat(' ',5);
| space(5)=repeat(' ',5) |
|                      1 |
mysql> select replace ('www.atzjg.com','com','net');
| replace ('www.atzjg.com','com','net') |
| www.atzjg.net                         |

注意和 INSERT(s1,x,len,s2) 的区别, 后者只替换一次, 本质上还是插入操作.

比较字符串大小的函数 STRCMP(s1,s2)

将字符串 s1s2 从第一个字符开始逐个字符比较,

mysql> select strcmp('hello','HelLo');
| strcmp('hello','HelLo') |
|                       0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select strcmp('hello2','hello1');
| strcmp('hello2','hello1') |
|                         1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select strcmp('helloA','helloB');
| strcmp('helloA','helloB') |
|                        -1 |

获取子字符串的函数 SUBSTRING(s,n,len)MID(s,n,len)

SUBSTRING(s,n,len), 返回字符串 s 中从第 n 个字符开始的长度为 len 的子串.

mysql> select substring('hello world', 3, 5);
| substring('hello world', 3, 5) |
| llo w                          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring('hello world', 3);
| substring('hello world', 3) |
| llo world                   |
mysql> select substring('hello world', -5, 3);
| substring('hello world', -5, 3) |
| wor                             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring('hello world', -5);
| substring('hello world', -5) |
| world                        |

MID(s,n,len)SUBSTRING(s,n,len) 的功能相同.


LOCATE(s1,s), POSITION(s1 IN s)INSTR(s,s1) 这三个函数的功能相同, 都是返回子串 s1 在字符串 s 中的开始位置. 只是要注意 INSTR 函数中参数的顺序.

mysql> select locate('wo','hello world');
| locate('wo','hello world') |
|                          7 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select position('he' in 'the hero');
| position('he' in 'the hero') |
|                            2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select instr('the hero', 'ero');
| instr('the hero', 'ero') |
|                        6 |

字符串逆序函数 REVERSE(s)

将字符串 s 中的字符按逆序排列后返回.

mysql> select reverse('atzjg');
| reverse('atzjg') |
| gjzta            |

mysql> select reverse('arxiv');
| reverse('arxiv') |
| vixra            |



返回 str_k

mysql> select elt(3,'January','February','March','April','May');
| elt(3,'January','February','March','April','May') |
| March                                             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select elt(6,'January','February','March','April','May');
| elt(6,'January','February','March','April','May') |
| NULL                                              |

返回指定字符串位置的函数 FIELD(s,s1,s2,...)

FIELD(s,s1,s2,...), 返回字符串 s 在列表 s1,s2,... 中第一次出现的位置.

mysql> select field('May','January','February','March','April','May');
| field('May','January','February','March','April','May') |
|                                                       5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select field('ary','January','February','March','April','May');
| field('ary','January','February','March','April','May') |
|                                                       0 |

返回子串位置的函数 FIND_IN_SET(s1,s2)

FIND_IN_SET(s1,s2) 返回字符串 s1 在字符串列表 s2 中出现的位置, 字符串列表是一个由多个逗号分开的字符串组成的列表.

mysql> select find_in_set("hi","jf,si,hi,li,Hi,test");
| find_in_set("hi","jf,si,hi,li,Hi,test") |
|                                       3 |

mysql> select find_in_set("hi","jf,si,hi,li,hi,test");
| find_in_set("hi","jf,si,hi,li,hi,test") |
|                                       3 |

mysql> select find_in_set("hi,","jf,si,hi,li,hi,test");
| find_in_set("hi,","jf,si,hi,li,hi,test") |
|                                        0 |

mysql> select find_in_set("hi",NULL);
| find_in_set("hi",NULL) |
|                   NULL |

mysql> select find_in_set("hi,","jf,si,hi,,li,hi,test");
| find_in_set("hi,","jf,si,hi,,li,hi,test") |
|                                         0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select find_in_set("'hi,'","jf,si,'hi,',li,hi,test");
| find_in_set("'hi,'","jf,si,'hi,',li,hi,test") |
|                                             0 |

选取字符串的函数 MAKE_SET(x,s1,s2,...)

MAKE_SET(x,s1,s2,...), 其中第一个参数 x 是指十进制的整数, 但是会转化为二进制. 比如当 x3 时, 就解释为 011, 从右到左第一位和第二位为 1, 就将后面的字符串列表中第一个和第二个取出组成字符串返回, 中间还是用逗号隔开.

MAKE_SET 返回的是一个字符串, 而不是一个集合(SET).

mysql> select make_set(1|4, 'hello','NULL','world');
| make_set(1|4, 'hello','NULL','world') |
| hello,world                           |
mysql> select make_set(1|4, 'hello','NULL',NULL,'world');
| make_set(1|4, 'hello','NULL',NULL,'world') |
| hello                                      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select make_set(1|4, 'hello','I''m Mike','NULL',NULL,'world');
| make_set(1|4, 'hello','I''m Mike','NULL',NULL,'world') |
| hello,NULL                                             |

第一个参数也可以是十进制数, make_set 函数会将其转化为二进制数. 例如:

mysql> select make_set(5, 'hello', 'nice', 'world') as col2;
| col2        |
| hello,world |

我们可以将make_set生成的集合赋给一个变量 A.

mysql> set @A=make_set(5, 'hello', 'nice', 'world');
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @A;
| @A          |
| hello,world |

mysql> select length(@A);
| length(@A) |
|         11 |

mysql> select char_length(@A);
| char_length(@A) |
|              11 |

mysql> select strcmp('hello world', @A);
| strcmp('hello world', @A) |
|                        -1 |



一般的日期函数除了使用 DATE 类型的参数外, 也可以使用 DATETIME 或者 TIMESTAMP 类型的参数, 但会忽略这些值的时间部分.

类似的, 以 TIME 类型值为参数的函数, 可以接受 TIMESTAMP 类型的参数, 但会忽略日期部分.



CURDATE()CURRENT_DATE() 作用相同, 将当前日期按照 'YYYY-MM-DD''YYYYMMDD' 的格式返回, 具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定.

CURDATE()+0 将当前日期值转换为数值型.

mysql> select curdate(), current_date(), curdate()+0;
| curdate()  | current_date() | curdate()+0 |
| 2013-11-18 | 2013-11-18     |    20131118 |


CURTIME()CURRENT_TIME() 作用相同, 将当前日期按照 'HH:MM:SS''HHMMSS' 的格式返回, 具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定.

CURTIME()+0 将当前日期值转换为数值型.

mysql> select curtime(), current_time(), curtime()+0;
| curtime() | current_time() | curtime()+0   |
| 13:48:22  | 13:48:22       | 134822.000000 |


CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), LOCALTIME(), NOW()SYSDATE() 这四个函数的作用相同, 均返回当前日期和时间值. 格式为 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS''YYYYMMDDHHMMSS', 具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定.

mysql> select current_timestamp(), localtime(), now(), sysdate();
| current_timestamp() | localtime()         | now()               | sysdate()           |
| 2013-11-18 13:51:41 | 2013-11-18 13:51:41 | 2013-11-18 13:51:41 | 2013-11-18 13:51:41 |

UNIX 时间戳函数

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) 若无参数调用, 则返回一个 Unix 时间戳, 是指 '1970-01-01 00:00:00' GMT 之后的秒数. 这是一个无符号整数.

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 格林威治标准时间.

mysql> select unix_timestamp();
| unix_timestamp() |
|       1384817494 |
mysql> select unix_timestamp(now()), now();
| unix_timestamp(now()) | now()               |
|            1384817526 | 2013-11-19 07:32:06 |
mysql> select 1384817526/3600/24/365;
| 1384817526/3600/24/365 |
|        43.912275684932 |

FROM_UNIXTIME(unixtime) 函数把 UNIX 时间戳转换为普通格式的时间, 与 UNIX_TIMESTAMP(unixtime) 互为反函数. FROM_UNIXTIME(unixtime) 必须要输入参数.

mysql> select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(now()));
| from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(now())) |
| 2013-11-19 07:36:08                  |
mysql> select from_unixtime(1384817526);
| from_unixtime(1384817526) |
| 2013-11-19 07:32:06       |

返回 UTC 日期的函数和返回 UTC 时间的函数

UTC ([英] Coordinated Universal Time) 世界标准时间.

mysql> select utc_date(), utc_date()+0;
| utc_date() | utc_date()+0 |
| 2013-11-19 |     20131119 |
mysql> select utc_time(), utc_time()+0;
| utc_time() | utc_time()+0 |
| 00:07:02   |   702.000000 |

获取月份的函数 MONTH(date)MONTHNAME(date)

mysql> select month('2013-11-19');
| month('2013-11-19') |
|                  11 |
mysql> select monthname('2013-11-19');
| monthname('2013-11-19') |
| November                |


mysql> select dayname('2013-11-19');
| dayname('2013-11-19') |
| Tuesday               |
mysql> select dayofweek('2013-11-19');
| dayofweek('2013-11-19') |
|                       3 |
mysql> select weekday('2013-11-19');
| weekday('2013-11-19') |
|                     1 |

获取星期的函数 WEEK(d)WEEKOFYEAR(d)

WEEK(d) 计算日期 d 是在一年中的第几周. (等同于下面的 WEEK(d,0).)

但是不同国家和地区, 由于习惯的不同, 每周的第一天并不相同, 因此 WEEK 函数有另一种形式 WEEK(d,mode). 这里 mode 可取 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. 分别对应每周的第一天为 周日, 周一,周日,周一,周日,周一,周日,周一. mode 参数被省略时, 则使用 default_week_format 系统自变量的值.

Mode每周第一天返回值的范围Week 1 为第一周...(Week 1 is the first week ...)
0周日0~53有一个周日(with a Sunday in this year)
1周一0~53有三天以上(with more than 3 days this year)
2周日1~53有一个周日(with a Sunday in this year)
3周一1~53有三天以上(with more than 3 days this year)
4周日0~53有三天以上(with more than 3 days this year)
5周一0~53有一个周日(with a Sunday in this year)
6周日1~53有三天以上(with more than 3 days this year)
7周一1~53有一个周日(with a Sunday in this year)
mysql> select week('2013-11-19');
| week('2013-11-19') |
|                 46 |

mysql> select week('2018-09-27');
| week('2018-09-27') |
|                 38 |

试一下 YEARWEEK() 函数.

mysql> SELECT YEARWEEK('2010-3-14');
| YEARWEEK('2010-3-14') |
|                201011 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT WEEK('2010-3-14');
| WEEK('2010-3-14') |
|                11 |



mysql> SELECT WEEK('2018-1-1');
| WEEK('2018-1-1') |
|                0 |

mysql> SELECT WEEK('2018-1-7');
| WEEK('2018-1-7') |
|                1 |

这表明, 每周的第一天并不是从周一开始的. 查看系统变量 default_week_format.

|                     0 |

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'default_week_format';
| Variable_name       | Value |
| default_week_format | 0     |

default_week_format 等于0, 表明每周是从周日开始的. 从而 2018-1-7 是第二周(索引为 1).

mysql> SELECT WEEK('2018-9-28');
| WEEK('2018-9-28') |
|                38 |

因此, 2018-9-28 是2018年的第39周, 如果周日作为每周的第一天的话.

WEEKOFYEAR(d) 计算日期 d 位于一年中的第几周, 范围是 1~53. 相当于 WEEK(d,3).

mysql> select weekofyear('2013-11-19');
| weekofyear('2013-11-19') |
|                       47 |

mysql> select weekofyear(20180928);
| weekofyear(20180928) |
|                   39 |


mysql> select dayofyear('2013-11-19');
| dayofyear('2013-11-19') |
|                     323 |

mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR('2018-1-1');
| DAYOFYEAR('2018-1-1') |
|                     1 |

2018 年是平年, 而2016 年是闰年.

mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR('2018-12-31');
| DAYOFYEAR('2018-12-31') |
|                     365 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT DAYOFYEAR('2016-12-31');
| DAYOFYEAR('2016-12-31') |
|                     366 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select dayofyear('2018-9-28');
| dayofyear('2018-9-28') |
|                    271 |

mysql> select 31*5+28+30+30+28;
| 31*5+28+30+30+28 |
|              271 |

如果输入的参数超出范围, 则出现错误, 返回 NULL.

mysql> select dayofyear('2018-9-31');
| dayofyear('2018-9-31') |
|                   NULL |


mysql> select year('2013-11-19');
| year('2013-11-19') |
|               2013 |

mysql> select year('2070-11-19');
| year('2070-11-19') |
|               2070 |

mysql> select year('9999-11-19');
| year('9999-11-19') |
|               9999 |

mysql> select year('10000-11-19');
| year('10000-11-19') |
|                NULL |

mysql> select year('0000-11-19');
| year('0000-11-19') |
|                  0 |

mysql> select year(now());
| year(now()) |
|        2018 |

mysql> select year(690928);
| year(690928) |
|         2069 |
mysql> select quarter('0001-11-19');
| quarter('0001-11-19') |
|                     4 |
mysql> select now(), minute(now());
| now()               | minute(now()) |
| 2013-11-19 08:49:21 |            49 |
mysql> select now(), second(now());
| now()               | second(now()) |
| 2013-11-19 08:50:41 |            41 |

获取日期的指定值的函数 EXTRACT(type FROM date)

EXTRACT(type FROM date) 所使用的时间间隔类型说明符与 DATE_ADD()DATE_SUB() 的相同. 但它是从日期中提取一部分, 而不是执行日期运算.

mysql> select extract(year from now());
| extract(year from now()) |
|                     2013 |

mysql> select extract(year_month from now());
| extract(year_month from now()) |
|                         201311 |

mysql> select extract(day_minute from now());
| extract(day_minute from now()) |
|                         190855 |

Windows 下使用 day_minute 似乎不显示‘日’.

mysql> select now(), extract(day_minute from now());
| now()               | extract(day_minute from now()) |
| 2018-09-28 06:08:20 |                            608 |

mysql> select now(), extract(day from now()), extract(second from now());
| now()               | extract(day from now()) | extract(second from now()) |
| 2018-09-28 06:12:18 |                      28 |                         18 |


mysql> select now(), time_to_sec(now());
| now()               | time_to_sec(now()) |
| 2013-11-22 10:01:41 |              36101 |

mysql> select 10*3600+1*60+41;
| 10*3600+1*60+41 |
|           36101 |
mysql> select sec_to_time(12345);
| sec_to_time(12345) |
| 03:25:45           |

mysql> select 12345 div 3600, (12345-3*3600) div 60 , 12345-3*3600-25*60;
| 12345 div 3600 | (12345-3*3600) div 60 | 12345-3*3600-25*60 |
|              3 |                    25 |                 45 |
mysql> select unix_timestamp(), sec_to_time(unix_timestamp());
| unix_timestamp() | sec_to_time(unix_timestamp()) |
|       1385085792 | 838:59:59                     |

mysql> select 838*3600+59*60+59;
| 838*3600+59*60+59 |
|           3020399 |

mysql> select from_unixtime(1385085792);
| from_unixtime(1385085792) |
| 2013-11-22 10:03:12       |

mysql> select time_to_sec('10:03:12');
| time_to_sec('10:03:12') |
|                   36192 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select sec_to_time(36192);
| sec_to_time(36192) |
| 10:03:12           |

mysql> select time_to_sec(100312);
| time_to_sec(100312) |
|               36192 |



mysql> select now(), date_add(now(),interval '1:1' minute_second) AS after;
| now()               | after               |
| 2013-11-22 10:23:18 | 2013-11-22 10:24:19 |
mysql> select date_sub('2013-11-22', interval 2 day);
| date_sub('2013-11-22', interval 2 day) |
| 2013-11-20                             |
mysql> select date_sub('2013-11-22', interval -2 day);
| date_sub('2013-11-22', interval -2 day) |
| 2013-11-24                              |

其中 expr, type 的格式及定义如下.

type 值expr 格式
DAY_SECOND'days hours.minutes.seconds'
DAY_MINUTE'days hours.minutes'
DAY_HOUR'days hours'


DATE_FORMAT(date,format), 根据 format 指定的格式显示 date 值.

TIME_FORMAT(time,format), 根据 format 指定的格式显示 time 值. 只处理时间值.

GET_FORMAT(val_type,format_type), 返回日期时间字符串的显示格式. 其中 val_type 表示日期类型, 可取 DATE, DATETIME, TIME. format_type 表示格式化显示类型, 包括 EUR, INTERVAL, ISO, JIS, USA

mysql> select date_format(now(),get_format(date,'usa'));
| date_format(now(),get_format(date,'usa')) |
| 11.22.2013                                |

mysql> select get_format(date, 'usa');
| get_format(date, 'usa') |
| %m.%d.%Y                |

mysql> select get_format(date, 'EUR');
| get_format(date, 'EUR') |
| %d.%m.%Y                |

ISOJIS 格式是一样的.

mysql> select date_format(now(),get_format(date, 'iso')), date_format(now(),get_format(date, 'jis'));
| date_format(now(),get_format(date, 'iso')) | date_format(now(),get_format(date, 'jis')) |
| 2018-09-28                                 | 2018-09-28                                 |



IF(expr, v1, v2)

IF(expr, v1, v2). 若表达式 exprTRUE (即 expr<>0 and expr<>NULL), 则返回表达式 v1 的值, 否则返回表达式 v2 的值.

mysql> select if(1>2, 1+1,1+2);
| if(1>2, 1+1,1+2) |
|                3 |
mysql> select strcmp('hello','hi'), if(strcmp('hello','hi'), 'y','n');
| strcmp('hello','hi') | if(strcmp('hello','hi'), 'y','n') |
|                   -1 | y                                 |

上面这个例子, 仅当两个字符串相等时, strcmp 才会变为 FALSE.

mysql> select if(isnull(NULL), 1,2);
| if(isnull(NULL), 1,2) |
|                     1 |


IFNULL(v1,v2) 用于判断第一个表达式 v1 是否为 NULL, 如果是则返回表达式 v2 的值, 否则返回第一个表达式 v1 的值.

mysql> select ifnull(1/0,'error');
| ifnull(1/0,'error') |
| error               |
mysql> select ifnull(2+3,'error');
| ifnull(2+3,'error') |
| 5                   |
mysql> select ifnull(2+3,NULL);
| ifnull(2+3,NULL) |
|                5 |

ifnull(v1,v2) 等价于 if(isNull(v1),v2,v1);


CASE expr WHEN v1 THEN r1 [WHEN v2 THEN r2] [ELSE rn] END

当表达式 expr 的值为 vk 时, 就返回值 rk.

mysql> select 
    -> case 3<2  
    -> when true then '3 is less than 2' 
    -> when false then '3 is greater than or equal to 2' 
    -> end;
| case 3<2  when true then '3 is less than 2' when false then '3 is greater than 2' end |
| 3 is greater than or equal to 2                                                                   |



MySQL 的系统信息有

mysql> select version();
| version()  |
| 5.5.28-log |

CONNECTION_ID() 返回 MySQL 服务器当前连接的次数, 每个连接都有各自唯一的 ID.

mysql> select connection_id();
| connection_id() |
|               8 |

返回值根据登录的次数会有不同. 比如我退出当前的 MySQL, 用另一账户 root 登录. 再次运行

mysql> select connection_id();
| connection_id() |
|               9 |


SHOW PROCESSLISTSHOW FULL PROCESSLIST 显示有哪些线程在运行. 不仅可以查看当前所有的连接数, 还可以查看当前的连接状态, 帮助识别出有问题的查询语句等.

mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State | Info             |
| 10 | root | localhost | NULL | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show processlist |

这时, root 不退出, 使用另一普通用户登录 MySQL. 利用 root 账户查看连接信息, 则会看到.

mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User    | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State | Info             |
| 10 | root    | localhost | NULL | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show processlist |
| 11 | haifeng | localhost | NULL | Sleep   |    5 |       | NULL             |


DATEBASE()SCHEMA() 返回使用 utf8 字符集的当前数据库名.

mysql> use test_bar;
Database changed
mysql> select database(), schema();
| database() | schema() |
| test_bar   | test_bar |


USER(), CURRENT_USER(), SYSTEM_USER(), SESSION_USER() 这几个函数返回当前被 MySQL 服务器验证的用户名和主机名组合.

| root@localhost | root@localhost | root@localhost | root@localhost |

返回当前帐户连接服务器时的用户名以及所连接的客户主机. 这里 root 是当前登录用户, localhost 是登录的主机名.


CHARSET(str) 返回字符串 str 的字符集.

mysql> SELECT CHARSET('hello'), CHARSET(CONVERT('hello' USING latin1)),
| CHARSET('hello') | CHARSET(CONVERT('hello' USING latin1)) | CHARSET(VERSION()) |
| gbk              | latin1                                 | utf8               |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

注意这里第一个表明 MySQL 的结果字符集是 gbk. 这可以通过 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character_set%' 查询. 注意到 character_set_results 的值是 gbk.

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character_set%';
| Variable_name            | Value                                         |
| character_set_client     | gbk                                           |
| character_set_connection | gbk                                           |
| character_set_database   | latin1                                        |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                                        |
| character_set_results    | gbk                                           |
| character_set_server     | latin1                                        |
| character_set_system     | utf8                                          |
| character_sets_dir       | c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.17\share\charsets\ |

当然也可以直接查询系统变量 character_set_results.

mysql> select @@character_set_results;
| @@character_set_results |
| gbk                     |

SHOW CHARACTER SET; 列出系统中可用的字符集. SHOW COLLATION; 列出系统中可用的校对规则.

获取最后一个自动生成的 ID 值的函数

当一个属性(通常是 ID)设置为 AUTO_INCREMENT 后, LAST_INSERT_ID() 将自动返回最后一个 INSERTUPDATE 成功运行后对应的 ID 值.

首先建立一张名为 worker 的表.

mysql> CREATE TABLE worker(
    -> Name VARCHAR(30)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> DESCRIBE worker;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| Name  | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

其中属性 id 已经设置为 PRIMARY KEY, 因此不必再写 NOT NULL.

mysql> create table worker2(
    -> id INT auto_increment primary key,
    -> name varchar(30)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> desc worker2;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id    | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name  | varchar(30) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> drop table worker2;

分别单独向表 worker 插入两条记录:

mysql> INSERT INTO worker VALUES ( NULL, 'Jimy');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO worker VALUES ( NULL, 'Tom');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from worker;
| id | Name |
|  1 | Jimy |
|  2 | Tom  |

|                2 |


mysql> INSERT INTO worker (Name) VALUES ('Kate');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from worker;
| id | Name |
|  1 | Jimy |
|  2 | Tom  |
|  3 | Kate |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

|                3 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> INSERT INTO worker (Name) VALUES ('Kavin'), ('Michael'), ('Nick');
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 3  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from worker;
| id | Name    |
|  1 | Jimy    |
|  2 | Tom     |
|  3 | Kate    |
|  4 | Kavin   |
|  5 | Michael |
|  6 | Nick    |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

|                4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

注意这次 LAST_INSERT_ID() 不是 6, 而是 4.

IP 地址与数字相互转换的函数

mysql> select inet_aton('');
| inet_aton('') |
|            134744072 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select inet_ntoa(134744072);
| inet_ntoa(134744072) |
|              |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select 8*pow(256,3)+8*pow(256,2)+8*256+8;
| 8*pow(256,3)+8*pow(256,2)+8*256+8 |
|                         134744072 |
mysql> select password('hello');
| password('hello')                         |
| *6B4F89A54E2D27ECD7E8DA05B4AB8FD9D1D8B119 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select password('hello');
| password('hello')                         |
| *6B4F89A54E2D27ECD7E8DA05B4AB8FD9D1D8B119 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select password('hello2');
| password('hello2')                        |
| *D3C231EDE4DC9971821205B03B5A702EC6F12986 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select benchmark(50000,password('hello2'));
| benchmark(50000,password('hello2')) |
|                                   0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select benchmark(500000,password('hello2'));
| benchmark(500000,password('hello2')) |
|                                    0 |
1 row in set (0.12 sec)

mysql> select benchmark(5000000,password('hello2'));
| benchmark(5000000,password('hello2')) |
|                                     0 |
1 row in set (0.88 sec)

mysql> select charset('string');
| charset('string') |
| gbk               |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select charset(convert('string' using latin1));
| charset(convert('string' using latin1)) |
| latin1                                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


CAST(x, AS type)CONVERT(x, type)

mysql> select cast(100 as char(2));
| cast(100 as char(2)) |
| 10                   |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                  |
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect CHAR(2) value: '100' |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

使用 convert

mysql> select convert(100, char(2));
| convert(100, char(2)) |
| 10                    |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                  |
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect CHAR(2) value: '100' |


mysql> select convert('2018-09-28', time);
| convert('2018-09-28', time) |
| 00:20:18                    |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level   | Code | Message                                      |
| Warning | 1292 | Truncated incorrect time value: '2018-09-28' |

mysql> select convert('2018-09-28 15:57:45', time);
| convert('2018-09-28 15:57:45', time) |
| 15:57:45                             |



下面列出的是MySQL 8.4 中的数学函数(Mathematical Functions).

将下面的信息存储到数据表 MathFunctions(Name, Description).

CREATE TABLE MathFunctions(
Name VARCHAR(10),
Description VARCHAR(255),
mysql> select * from mathfunctions;
| Name       | Description                                                    |
| ABS()      | Return the absolute value                                      |
| ACOS()     | Return the arc cosine                                          |
| ASIN()     | Return the arc sine                                            |
| ATAN(x)    | Return the arc tangent                                         |
| ATAN(y,x)  | Return the arc tangent of the two arguments x and y            |
| ATAN2(y,x) | Return the arc tangent of the two arguments x and y            |
| CEIL()     | Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument   |
| CEILING()  | Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument   |
| CONV()     | Convert numbers between different number bases                 |
| COS()      | Return the cosine                                              |
| COT()      | Return the cotangent                                           |
| CRC32()    | Compute a cyclic redundancy check value                        |
| DEGREES()  | Convert radians to degrees                                     |
| EXP()      | Raise to the power of                                          |
| FLOOR()    | Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument |
| LN()       | Return the natural logarithm of the argument                   |
| LOG()      | Return the natural logarithm of the first argument             |
| LOG10()    | Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument                   |
| LOG2()     | Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument                    |
| MOD()      | Return the remainder                                           |
| PI()       | Return the value of pi                                         |
| POW()      | Return the argument raised to the specified power              |
| POWER()    | Return the argument raised to the specified power              |
| RADIANS()  | Return argument converted to radians                           |
| RAND()     | Return a random floating-point value                           |
| ROUND()    | Round the argument                                             |
| SIGN()     | Return the sign of the argument                                |
| SIN()      | Return the sine of the argument                                |
| SQRT()     | Return the square root of the argument                         |
| TAN()      | Return the tangent of the argument                             |
| TRUNCATE() | Truncate to specified number of decimal places                 |
31 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Name Description
ABS() Return the absolute value
ACOS() Return the arc cosine
ASIN() Return the arc sine
ATAN() Return the arc tangent
ATAN2(), ATAN() Return the arc tangent of the two arguments
CEIL() Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument
CEILING() Return the smallest integer value not less than the argument
CONV() Convert numbers between different number bases
COS() Return the cosine
COT() Return the cotangent
CRC32() Compute a cyclic redundancy check value
DEGREES() Convert radians to degrees
EXP() Raise to the power of
FLOOR() Return the largest integer value not greater than the argument
LN() Return the natural logarithm of the argument
LOG() Return the natural logarithm of the first argument
LOG10() Return the base-10 logarithm of the argument
LOG2() Return the base-2 logarithm of the argument
MOD() Return the remainder
PI() Return the value of pi
POW() Return the argument raised to the specified power
POWER() Return the argument raised to the specified power
RADIANS() Return argument converted to radians
RAND() Return a random floating-point value
ROUND() Round the argument
SIGN() Return the sign of the argument
SIN() Return the sine of the argument
SQRT() Return the square root of the argument
TAN() Return the tangent of the argument
TRUNCATE() Truncate to specified number of decimal places


Thanks very much!